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Welcome to Soaring Education’s Resource Hub!

Our school launch experts have curated a collection of resources designed to guide you through each stage of launching a Christian school.

Whether you’re in the Dream, Design, Build, Launch, or Development stage, you’ll find valuable resources here, from articles and podcasts to books and expert-created tools.

Explore a wide range of materials to help you build and grow a school that reflects your vision and values.

Smiling Woman in Black Long Sleeve Shirt Wearing Eyeglasses

If you need help working through any of the resources or if you just want someone to brainstorm with and help you clarify next steps, we’re only a phone call away.

Dream Your School

Soaring Resources

Self-Assessment: Soaring Ready Screener
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A feasibility study, at least at the very basic level, helps a team to make informed decisions about whether or not to proceed with a project. It can help to look at all of the critical aspects of a project, in order to look at not only whether a team should proceed with a project, but also what are potential strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT Analysis) of the project. Often, funders will desire a feasibility study to be conducted before making any significant financial contributions.

Indeed logo
Article: What Is A Feasibility Study?
Article: How to Conduct a Feasibility Study: Templates and Examples
An image of the first slide of Canva's SWOT analysis template
Template: SWOT Analysis Template From Canva
YouTube Thumbnail Image - cartoon image of two men meeting in an office with one man saying "Can this project succeed?"
Video: Feasibility Study of Project – Watch Now Or Fail Later by School of Project Management

Soaring Resources

Soaring Resource: Target Market Analysis Workbook Sign
Soaring Workbook: Target Market Analysis
Target Market Analysis Form Cover Slide with Text and Soaring Logo
Soaring Form Template: Soaring’s Target Market Analysis
Soaring's Target Market Analysis Sample Cover Slide with text and Soaring logo
Soaring Form Sample: Target Market Analysis Sample
Soaring logo with Book a Free Coaching Call
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When choosing a school site, there are many factors to consider. Generally, people will choose to host their school in a building, such as a church, that is already built and/or is a site that needs minimal renovations to open.

New Hampshire Department of Education's Logo with Bureau of School Safety and Facilities
Guide: New Hampshire Department of Education: Factors to Consider When Selecting a School Construction Site

Soaring Resources

Soaring Logo Facilities Discussion
Soaring Resource: Facilities Discussion
Soaring Logo Facilities Canvas
Soaring Worksheet: Facilities Canvas
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Design Your School

Understanding your team’s core values, and the values that fill foundationally be part of the school, will help you to create a Mission and Vision that will be the guide for everything that you do. It is important not to skip this step because everything else comes from these statements.

Bill Woolsey on How To Help People Clarify Their Calling
Video: Bill Woolsey on Helping People Clarify Their Calling
Franklin Covey's Build Your Mission Statement (When You're Launching A Christian School)
Interactive Web Resource: Mission Statement Builder From Franklin Covey
Think2Perform's Logo to their Value Cards Exercise
Interactive Web Resource: Values Exercise from think2perform

Soaring Resources

Soaring's basic definition of mission, vision, and values to help you start a Christian school
Soaring Resource: Simplified Definitions For Mission, Vision, and Values
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As you are planning your school, it is important to understand the basic foundations of educational philosophy so that as you build your school model, you will be making informed decisions regarding your school model.

Augsburg University Logo
Article: Educational Philosophies Definitions and Comparison Chart from Augsburg University
University of San Diego Logo
Article: What Is a Teaching Philosophy? Examples and Prompts
books stacked on top of each other with the words "Writing Your Teaching Philosophy"
Video: Writing (or Revising) Your Teaching Philosophy Statement for Faculty
Teaching Philosophy Examples
Video: Teaching Philosophy Examples
"Avella's Art of Teaching"
Video: The Art of Teaching
Katy Wright Picture
Video: You Might Be A Montessorian | Katy Wright | TEDxCarrollCollege

Soaring Resources

Soaring Logo with Title "Types of Schools
Soaring Article: Types of Schools
Soaring: Learning Model Descriptions
Soaring Article: Learning Model Descriptions
Educational Philosphy (Soaring Resources) - Basic School Blueprint for Emerging Education Model
Soaring Worksheet: Basic School Blueprint for Emerging Education Model
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Although likely not the most exciting topic you will cover when building your school, both governance structure and compliance with local and state laws are important topics. Planning and running your governance structure is generally a requirement if you are a nonprofit organization. Making sure your legal structures are set up correctly and that you are compliant with all laws will also help to make your school sustainable.

Compliance and Governance (Website) - What Is a Governance Model and Why Does It Matter? | BoardEffect
Article: What Is a Governance Model and Why Does It Matter? | BoardEffect
Deloitte | Developing an effective governance operating model A guide for financial services boards and management teams
Article: Developing an effective governance operating model – A guide for financial services boards and management teams | Deloitte
Carver's Policy Governance® Model in Nonprofit Organizations
Article: The Policy Governance® Model: An Overview
The Policy Governance® Model - logo
Article: The Policy Governance® Model by John and Miriam Carver
image of a woman on her laptop with background text: Registering a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit
Article: The Complete Guide to Registering a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit
An image of a circle chart showing the ten principles of policy governance for effective boards
Video: Policy Governance 101: 10 Principles for Effective Boards

Soaring Resources

Soaring Resource Logo with title: 501 c3 v LLc
Soaring Overview: 501(c)(3) vs LLC
Soaring Logo Compliance Across States
Soaring Guide: Compliance Across States
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When planning your school, it is important to understand the parents you will serve (customer) and the students (client) you will serve. Having an understanding of who these people are will help you as you plan curriculum, systems, and even plan for marketing. While it may not seem important, understanding who God has called you to serve will help you build a heart for them and an understanding of the needs of both your customer and client.

Soaring Resources

Soaring Logo with Title Customer Persona Canvas
Soaring Worksheet: Customer Persona Canvas
Soaring logo with title Customer Persona Example
Soaring Example Worksheet: Customer Persona
Soaring Logo with Title Client Persona Canvas
Soaring Worksheet: Client Persona Canvas
Soaring Logo with Title Client Persona Canvas Example
Soaring Example Worksheet: Client Persona Canvas
Soaring logo with Book a Free Coaching Call
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It is important to solicit feedback from stakeholders as you are designing and building your school. To do this, consider holding a focus group or town hall to share your vision for a school. Consider making changes as it is feasible.

Soaring Resources

Soaring Logo with Title Test My Solution Pitch Deck Template
Soaring Template: Test My Solution Pitch Deck
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Build Your School

School operations are the day-to-day systems and processes of a school. When looking at school operations, it is important to look at planning, execution, and optimization of processes to ensure that your school runs smoothly.

K12 Digest Logo
Article: Best Practices for K12 School Operations
Hilton Head Christian Academy Logo
Video: School Operations at Hilton Head Christian Academy

Soaring Resources

Soaring Logo with title HR and Accounting Vendor Analysis
PDF Handout: HR and Accounting Vendor Analysis
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Soaring Logo with title HR and Accounting Vendor Analysis
PDF Handout: HR and Accounting Vendor Analysis
Soaring logo with title School Operations Manual Template
Soaring Template: School Operations Manual

Your school’s curriculum is more than just the textbooks it uses. Its foundationally what you will teach your students, rather standards or content or both.

Soaring Resources

Soaring Logo with title Curricular Resource Overview
Soaring Reference: Curricular Resource Overview
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Having a team is critical to the success of your school. While you may be able to handle a lot of things, having one or more people to collaborate with will help as you make decisions going forward. Building a team isn’t just about finding a principal or school leader, it is about finding your “people” who will come alongside you as you cast your vision. They may even help you clarify your vision as well.

The Six Types of Working Genius
Website: The Six Types of Working Genius
The Six Types of Working Genius
Video: About the Six Types of Working Genius
The Six Types of Working Genius Logo
Podcast Series: The Working Genius Podcast with Patrick Lencioni
Ministry Insights Logo
Website: Resources for Insights for Team by Ministry Insights

Soaring Resources

Soaring Logo with title Best Practices for Building a Team
Soaring Guide: Best Practices For Building A Team
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Understanding the real cost of educating a student is important to the success of your school. It is also important to know when it might be better to hire someone outside your organization to complete a task such as HR or teaching an elective.

Martus logo with title 12 Step Checklist for Creating A School Budget
Article: 12 Step Checklist For Creating A School Budget
Picture of a woman pointing to title: Create a Non-profit Budget From Scratch
Video: Starting a Nonprofit: How to Create a Budget (For Beginners)

Soaring Resrouces

Soaring logo with title Multi-Year Budget Template
Soaring Template: Multi-Year Budget Template
Soaring Logo with Title Budget Example
Soaring Template Example: Budget Template Example
Soaring logo with title Budget Model: 10 Students
Soaring Example: Budget Model for 10 Students
Soaring logo with title Budget Model: 18 Students
Soaring Example: Budget Model for 18 Students
Soaring logo with title Contracted Services and Budget Presentation
Soaring Presentation: Contracted Services and Budget Presentation Slides
Soaring logo with title Contracted Services and Budget Presentation
Soaring Presentation: Contracted Services and Budget Presentation Slides
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Furniture, fixtures, and equipment are all necessary items for your school. However, the amount you spend on FFE can vary greatly, depending on where you get things or the type of learning space you hope to achieve. Will you purchase from a thrift store or will you go for the Steelcase look to make it the most advanced school in your area? Likely, you will end up somewhere in between but it is important to understand that costs can vary greatly.

Soaring Resources

Soaring logo with title Furniture, Fixtures, and equipment presentation
Soaring Presentation: Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment Presentation Slides
Soaring logo with title Classroom Design Canvas
Soaring Worksheet: Classroom Design Canvas
Soaring log with title Furniture, Fixture, and Equipment Guide
Soaring Guide: Furniture, Fixture, and Equipment
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Selecting the education model for your school is a very important step in building your school. It is imperative that you have first identified your mission, vision and values so that educational decisions are made on the understanding of key components of your school.

A profile image of Dr. Jennifer Mata with the title Educational Models
Video: What are Educational Models by Dr. Jennifer Mata
A Greek statue of a thinking man with some abstract shapes in the background. The University of Phoenix logo in the background.
Article: 5 Educational Learning Theories and How to Apply Them from the University of Phoenix
Title: 15 Learning Theories in Education  (A Complete Summary) with the logo of Education Corner
Article: 15 Learning Theories In Depth
A woman looking at the viewer through a glass door with colorful sticky notes
Article: Crucial Questions For Choosing The Right Instructional Design Model

Soaring Resources

Soaring logo with title Educational Model
Soaring Presentation Slides: Educational Model
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Launch Your School

“If you build it, they (he) will come,” may be a great quote from an iconic 1980’s movie (Field of Dreams), but it doesn’t fit the narrative when it comes to opening a Christian school. When preparing to enroll (or re-enroll) students in a school, having a strategy and taking the time to think through enrollment steps, from beginning to end, is imperative. These strategies and steps will ensure a successful start to your school and will help create enrollment that lasts. Much like any other business that wants to make and keep customers as “raving fans” schools must implement planned enrollment strategies.

Image of a woman typing on her laptop with the SchoolMint Logo
Article: 20 Tips for Increasing Enrollment at Your School

Soaring Resources

Soaring logo with title SES Enrollment Handbook Template
Soaring Template: Enrollment Handbook
Soaring logo with title Marketing and Enrollment Plan
Soaring Guide: Marketing and Enrollment Plan
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Community engagement has two parts, engagement with the school community and engagement with the community at large. In order to have an effective school, you need to have effective engagement with both of these groups.

Families-You want to connect with your families to make sure they feel like they are an important part of the school community. This includes hosting family events, communicating regularly, and asking for feedback about the school.

Larger Community-You want to connect with the larger community so that they can help you with your school. Both financially and as volunteers and/or raving fans.

Ebook cover with three images of happy people from the community interacting with each other. The title says Engaging Your Community - A Toolkit for Partnership, Collaboration, and Action
PDF E-Book: Engaging Your Community – A Toolkit for Partnership, Collaboration, and Action

Soaring Resources

Soaring logo with title Community Collaboration
Soaring Worksheet: Community Collaboration
Soaring logo with title Community Assets Map
Soaring Article: Learning Model Descriptions
Soaring logo with title Community and Partner Engagement Canvas
Soaring Worksheet: Community and Partner Engagement Canvas
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Develop Your School

Marketing your school is more than just having a website or posting on Facebook. It is important to market your school, both within the school community and in the community at large as well. Doing this will lead to increased enrollment, enhanced reputation, stronger identity and hopefully give you a competitive edge in this competitive educational landscape.

Image of the number 51 in gold font on top of water and its reflection with the School Webmasters logo
Article: 51 Ways to Market Your School
YouTube Thumbnail image of a man with the title Free Course Grow Your Enrollment in 5 Easy Steps
Free Course: 5 Easy Steps to Grow Your School’s Enrollment
image of podcast mic and control buttons on a red background with the School Webmasters logo and the title Podcast Library
Podcast: School Webmasters Podcast Library
title image with apptegy and school ceo logos and the title What is School Marketing? The Complete Guide to School Marketing, Season 3
Article: The Complete Guide to School Marketing: What Is School Marketing?

Soaring Resources

Soaring log with title School Launch Checklist
Soaring Google Drive Folder: School Launch Checklist
Soaring logo with title Marketing and Enrollment Plan
Soaring Guide: Marketing and Enrollment Plan
Soaring and Gradelink logo with title Soaring User Discount
Soaring User Discount: Gradelink – Create Your School Website
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Professional development is crucial for teachers because it:

  • Improves Teaching Practices: It equips teachers with new strategies, techniques, and knowledge to enhance their teaching effectiveness.
  • Stays Up-to-Date: It allows teachers to stay current with the latest educational trends, research, and technologies.
  • Boosts Student Achievement: Effective professional development can directly impact student learning outcomes by providing teachers with the tools to better engage and support their students.
  • Increases Job Satisfaction: It can help teachers feel more motivated and fulfilled in their roles by providing opportunities for growth and development.
  • Enhances Collaboration: Professional development can foster collaboration among teachers, leading to shared learning and improved school culture.

Ultimately, professional development is an investment in both teachers and students, as it helps create a more dynamic, effective, and supportive learning environment.

The Master Teacher Logo
Online Store: Online Training For Teachers and Paraeducators
The Daily Cafe Logo
Website: The Daily Cafe
ACSI Logo - Association of Christian Schools International
Website: Professional Development Courses from The Association of Christian Schools International
Herzog Foundation Institute Logo
Website: Herzog Foundation Teacher Development Series Training Events
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Funding is often a roadblock for people as they are starting schools. There is a somewhat fixed cost for educating a student and that cost has to be covered by revenue, either earned or donative. Looking for grants or third-source funding options can be a great way to make your school sustainable.

Vela logo and text
Website: Vela Education Fund logo with text Find. Apply. Succeed.
Website: Grants.Gov
Episode 667 Bill Woolsey, Ty Crandall Interviews Industry Leaders, How To Grow Your Organization Through Generous Donors
Video: Bill Woolsey: How to Grow Your Organization through Generous Donors
The Red Letter Disciple With Zach and Chris Episode 20 - BIll Woolsey on the no. 1 Reason Why Ventures Fail
Video: Red Letter Disciple Podcast Episode 20: Bill Woolsey on the No. 1 Reason Why Ventures Fail
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The Drexel Fund Logo
Website: The Drexel Fund
Ace Scholarships Logo
Website: Ace Scholarships
Renew a Nation Logo
Website: Renew A Nation

More Resources

This section contains additional, comprehensive resources for launching your Christian school.

The Drexel Fund
Website: The Drexel Fund
Vela logo and text
Website: Vela Education Fund
Herzog Foundation Institute Logo
Website: Herzog Foundation
LuthEd: Encouraging, Connecting, and Informing Lutheran Schools
Website: LuthEd
My Father's World Logo
Website: My Father’s World
The 508 Company Logo
Website: The 508 Company
National American Mission Board Logo
Website: National American Mission Board
EdChoice Logo
Website: EdChoice
Society for Classical Learning log
Website: Society for Classical Learning
Spark logo
Website: Spark School Software
ACSI logo
Website: Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI)
National Microschooling Center Log
Website: National Microschooling Center
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Teacher Let Your Light Shine
Teacher Let Your Light Shine with Makenzie Oliver
The School Startup Course Logo
The School Startup Course
ACSI's How to Start A Christian School
ACSI’s How to Start A Christian School
Academic Rescue Mission Logo
Academic Rescue Mission
SchoolBox By The Herzog Foundation
SchoolBox By The Herzog Foundation
ACSI Logo - Association of Christian Schools International
Website: Professional Development Courses from The Association of Christian Schools International
Massachusetts Family Institute Logo
The Massachusetts Family Institute
Image of Pastor Wade Moore
Pastor Wade Moore
An image of Lisa Watson
Lisa Watson
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Book Image of The Education Reformation
The Education Reformation: Why Your Church Should Start A Christian School by Jimmy Scroggins and Trevin Wax
Book Image of Seven Steps to Start
Seven Steps to Start By Bill Woosley
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*While many sources come from diverse organizations, our experts have ensured the information is accurate and beneficial.