Soaring Education Services 2023 Round-Up!

Danielle Van Vlack
Danielle Van Vlack
December 20, 2023
min read
Christian Schooling

As the year comes to a close, Soaring Education Services wants to recap our highlights from 2023. It was a year of growth, development, and immersion in the national microschool movement. Our team participated in various events, contributed to the conversation, and, most significantly, expanded our reach by connecting with like-minded partners around the country–all to position ourselves to create more seats in Christian schools.

What have we been doing? Twenty-eight projects. 13 states. Check out the map! Soaring has collaborated with opportunities across the country. We are so excited to continue populating this map with more partners in the New Year!

The Soaring team was hard at work creating additional resources for visitors to our website. Our blog posts highlight topics relevant to microschooling. Our recent webinar series provides an insightful survey of the current educational landscape and highlights the microschool opportunity. These monthly gatherings are excellent places to discuss serving your community through educational options.

In addition to creating new material, the Soaring team traveled this year. We hosted bootcamps in several states, which allowed us to coach, listen, and engage with groups interested in impacting children through Christian education. 

We aren’t doing any of this alone. The Soaring team is thrilled to make new connections! This year, we were pleased to partner with the Herzog Foundation, providing live coaching through their SchoolBox platform.  We continue to work alongside FiveTwo to offer our in-person training. Soaring cooperated with Inspired Life to create momentum around new school choice opportunities in Iowa. We are thrilled to be part of a new affiliation with LCEF to serve LCMS churches more dynamically.

One event to highlight was Emerging School Models: Moving from Alternative to Mainstream. Soaring participated in the conference at Harvard University in September, focused on exploring key questions related to microschools, homeschooling, and other emerging school models. Another event was Best Practices in Ministry (BPM Conference). Soaring presented trends in education and showcased the benefits of microschooling.

We are looking forward to our work in 2024! Find us at the 2024 BPM Conference in February to talk to our experts in person. Check out our upcoming webinars on Starting a Christian Microschool. Look for our name alongside LCEF projects!

Looking at the year gone by reminds us of how grateful we are for our progress thus far and pushes us onward. Soaring exists to expand seats in Christian education across the country! Join us!