Back to School with Soaring Education Services

Danielle Van Vlack
Danielle Van Vlack
August 24, 2023
min read
Christian Schooling

It’s that time of year again. Students are pulling their parents up and down the school supply aisles. Teachers are adding finishing touches to colorful bulletin boards. Principals are preparing for life once again to fill the hallways.

At Soaring Education, we’re devoted to helping schools open well and run smoothly. Throughout our network of partner schools, doors are opening for a new year and students are getting their first glimpse at their new classroom. Naturally, this comes with unexpected challenges.

It’s easy for new schools to second guess decisions at the start of a school year. Is the curriculum right? Are there enough students to make this work? Is there space and are procedures in place for transfers and last-minute sign-ups? Have we adequately equipped the teachers?

If you’re one of our partner schools, you already know where you can get seasoned and thoughtful guidance. Soaring Education is here to guide you along every step, through each challenge, even after your school year has begun.

Maybe you don’t operate a school (yet!), but opening one is a dream of yours. Believe it or not, this is also the perfect time to start thinking about a new school for next year. The ideal timeline starts now! It is possible to expedite the process, but schools that devote a full year of planning and organization deliver the best results.

We can help make your new school a reality! Schedule a discovery call and Soaring Education will help you get started with our carefully crafted process and connect you to our network of vendors and faith leaders who have the experience to help you get it done.